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How to prepare for the TOEFL exam is very important. Some few things to remember about the TOEFL test it’s not just an English test. Student must be aware that the TOEFL is a Test of Academic English. The language used in the test reflects real life English Language usage in classes, university, lectures and laboratories. It is also the same language the professor use when they discuss course work or concepts with students. Students also use the same language in group studying and everyday university situations by buying books at bookstores. The reading passage of the TOEFL exam is usually from real life experience.

Students preparing for TOEFL test should not just practice their English skill in general but should focus on specific academic skill. So I recommend that students start preparing for TOEFL test as early as possible.


What does passing a TOEFL test really means? Is there a certain score for everyone writing the test should get? The truth is a TOEFL passing score is any score that is high enough to get you into the school you wish to attend so passing TOEFL depends on where you are applying.

TOEFL goal score is quarantined to meet all of your school minimum score requirements and the one most likely to get you accepted to all of the schools you are applying to. These are some steps we think you need to find your own passing score for TOEFL


As I have explained above, you now understand, how to prepare for your TOEFL exam, and a passing score for TOEFL varies depending on the schools you are applying to. But how can I ensure you make a good score on your test? Follow these steps.

Knowing the TOEFL format

Knowing the format is the only key to doing well on test day

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